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tv   Interviews Culture Art Documentaries and Sports  RT  May 3, 2014 5:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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breaking news the small ukrainian troops reportedly gear up to storm an administrative building ahead held by anti kiev protesters in the southeastern city of mariupol it's a region wide military offensive right now to quell unrest. gun fire and armored vehicles elsewhere in the region as the army advances against dissent in the city of kramatorsk. ukrainian wrest spirals out of control in the southern city of odessa where dozens of killed in an inferno after activists fireball monday government protesters in a barricaded building. and moscow blames kiev for condoning the crimes conducted by radicals in the deficit as russia's leader warns of the protesters in the east and now unlikely to disarm. for its part the west denounces the upsurge in
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ukraine's violence but some politicians put the blame for friday's tragedy on the victims themselves. however good morning to you if you just joined us just after one am here in moscow this is r.t. international with me kevin oh in the night of many developments in ukraine we're starting in the southeast of the country we'll be getting a lot of reports through in the last few hours of developments in the region in the city of mario pulled most recently ukrainian troops have reportedly moved into that city they've surrounded an administrative building held by antigovernment protesters is part of a military offensive being carried out by kiev right now to quell the unrest in that whole part of the country let's get the latest paula slee is in the region now
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as are saying paula but a lot of developments coming thick and fast over the past couple of hours can you rounded up for us. yes increasingly great developments happening here in the south eastern ukraine in the city of mario paul we now understand that the army is actually inside the city center they have surrounded the local administration building where you currently have a few hundred and of protesters those protesters are telling us that they are inside that the army is warning that if they do not leave the building in the coming minutes they will be fired and the building will be seized the people we've been talking to on the ground say that there are about three to five hundred and cheeky of protesters that there are an arms there hasn't as of yet been any reports of injuries but certainly the showdown for violence is happening inside that city now the protesters have set up barricades they burning tires in front of that building so very dramatic developments coming out of mario poll in separate
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developments in the town of constant or not very are hearing reports that at least two people have been killed we're still receiving sketchy information but we do understand that a military operation has begun there there is firing as i say shots are being heard we're seeing reports right now that the t.v. building has been seized by the ukrainian army and that all transmissions are currently off air we have no more details except that self defense units have seized the security services headquarters they say that they go in no way we are hearing that they value that this is going to be a military offensive to the end in another development in the city of donetsk earlier on saturday where we had antique here of protesters seizing the central security building now no more developments since then but damascus also a hot spot where we're constantly receiving information that there are is going to be a showdown and a clash between both sides none of this was
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a surprise kids did say that it was planning to start operations across the region but it is also threatening that once these operations are over it will move to other regions and as you can. magine people here are terrified most people in the town where i am sorry are scott choosing to remain indoors earlier i caught up with a family who spoke to me from behind their barricaded front door. the city center is in lockdown the streets are empty people are afraid to leave their homes . came here to kill us vladimir so give each and his wife have lived in slavyansk all their lives until recently it was a small sleepy provincial town but friday morning that changed forever. north around four thirty in the morning there was the sound of short crowns and explosions i woke up immediately it was very scary. with this new york
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all of them together with their mercenaries together with the right sector instructed by our interim president interim prime minister the all our war criminals residents of slovyansk have been ordered to remain indoors bloody mirren and i have no intention of stepping out they are glued to their television sit where it's being reported that the right sector is in the city center were they tried to enter the city disguised the students they were renting apartments but eventually the wall of being called there's a panic shops will run out of food amid rumors the army is stopping supplies from getting in the a.t.m.'s are cash strapped and pharmacies are short of medicine as long as. there is no possibility to go somewhere if something happens because a cd is closed i'm afraid that looting will start or there will be frets on my family we have no police now to ask for help even in my worst dream i couldn't imagine a situation like this. that the nightmare isabelle to get worse as rumors circulated
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that the army is gearing up for another onslaught the streets might be empty but many fear this is the calm before the storm policy r.t. slovyansk eastern ukraine and indeed that is the worry with the city of kramatorsk has become another focal point of military offensive against protesters in the donetsk region. the. latest reports say the army is most to get control of most of that city with anti care forces no keeping hold of just one central square at least two people have been confirmed killed in fighting there where graham phillips reports. so here in the center of kramatorsk we can hear a long go off around me and behind me we've got a scene of devastation as we've got two buses here load not we've got of also blown off their burnt out smoldering shells at the moment in the center of this main street of the city of some two hundred thousand fifteen kilometers from sunday and so this happened
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a few hours ago with members of the crimean national guard or the national guard is a military outfit comprising many members of the private sector this of course the far right neo nazi group linked with many terrorist acts across ukraine so the national guard reportedly came into the city several hours ago they were firing they were detonating there were explosions going off in kramatorsk the administrative building was taken here three weeks ago by these pro taught to me pro wrestler and activist the other day the s.b.u. building as we reported to r.t. was taken that's just out there but we also have here the ukrainian army and members now report to the national guard based out of the airfield some three kilometers outside the city was reportedly happened today that they've come in to the tank to try to reclaim these administrative buildings these buildings in the hands of these proton the activists and they have come in looking to some tools to talk more about the situation here. so many people were killed today i personally carried out one of the dead and one of the wounded he was hit with an armor piercing bullet in the leg also i saw
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a young girl killed and another man has lost his arm and we do have things now of destruction and in fact if we come around to look down here we can see the far end there are two further bombed out spans here in comma tosk is the scenes of destruction indicate an escalation in the situation in eastern ukraine as it seems to spill into crisis this is grim phillips here with r.t. well a very much the breaking news this hour we're following the reported military operation that has been happening mariya pull right now or just my speak with one of the residents there what should say to us. you know. i'm in the center of the city there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting we're hoping there won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure anymore. well in the last twenty four hours in other developments the
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operation in the southeast is being described as throwing ukraine into a fratricidal conflict that's a direct quote from russia's foreign minister who's appealed to his u.s. counterpart for washington to use his influence over kiev as it says his troops against fellow ukrainians during a phone conversation sergey lavrov also suggested that europe so a c. security organization could maybe help foster the dialogue needed here between the opposing sides earlier to antigovernment activists and surveillance released those seven zero s c e four a military observers would be detained last week the group had been invited by the kiev authorities the been held when protesters suspected there were spies among them that of the organization the now is thanked all parties involved in the go see it in their release. meanwhile the southern city of odessa continues to mourn the dozens killed on friday and unrest that engulfed the previously peaceful area please be warned you may find some of the pictures coming
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up here upsetting violent confrontation between pro and anti-government protesters ended in more than forty people being burned alive in a barricaded trade union building radical nationalists threw molotov cocktails and through the windows of that building after i think you have activist refuge there as you can see the building some call fire people trapped by the ferocious flames try to leap from the windows some of those who made it out with then brutally beaten they managed to speak to some of the survivors but it was. then yet they said entrances to the building and fire and started throwing molotov cocktails small bomb and stun grenades through the windows they burned people alive shouting glory to ukraine people were suffocating inside some of those people were so desperately just jumped out of the windows and the mob in front of the building was just chanting glory to ukraine and finishing all of those people who leapt from the building i personally saw how one man tried to escape and about a hundred people started chasing. him shouting death death eventually the core team
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threw him on the ground and started beating him to death. there were about fifty of us on the roof men and women the right sector was blocking the streets we looked down at what was happening around us and saw the wouldn't let us out alive people from other floors were brought down and the extremists attacked them like a part of moves then the police the schools with us from the building we had to step over dead bodies mover coming down the stairs. several people were also killed in violence that broke out in the center the city before the deadly fire procure football fans all to nationals clashed with antigovernment protesters hundreds of people from both camps taking part in the scuffles pro-government activists like to destroy their opponents tent city reflections in the day or so she recap so the situation unfolded. just all great square in central address so this is where friday's bob and clashes that led to dozens of deaths erupted between those who support the country's new voters they would take it. and with
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a nod to the nicest people in kiev as they determine how the country they were coming makes way and this is where they met activists from both sides have started to throw stones and mortar focus to each other it lasted almost two hours the police arrived to the street up to four people were killed and several cars were burned but that was just the beginning. the most dramatic events happened here in a desolate trade unions house in the city center blocks away from the weak square where the clashes began ringing the first at the supporters of the interim government in kiev joined by aggressive football fans and members or some of ukraine's far right groups moved here where for weeks and actually months already those who did not take it now as the torch is in here have been protesting the crowd first destroyed their titles have been established here based way on the building after that set the building itself on fire at the top. when several
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activists have been hiding inside in fear of aggression against them i witness is say that the activist radical activist very case and preventing people from leaving the shooting at the same time throwing molotov cocktails through the window so you can see some of the windows are broken and the fire occurred inside people started suffocating panic more than thirty people were killed as a result some of them very into life others while trying to jump out of the windows trying to save their lives local residents have been gathering here in front of this building on the square since morning bringing flowers and candles to commemorate died on friday over the weekend we've out they say on friday when policemen were so needed they were not here this three day morning hours and hours and so the mood in the town was things that matter now you want to think through what is going to happen next and where to go to visit chris nash now i see from my
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desk in southern ukraine. well in the city the smaller more than one hundred locals have gathered near the police headquarters as part of the trying to block it they say they're demanding the punishment of those responsible for friday's tragedy and for the release of all antigovernment activist detained during the unrest so far russia is holding kids responsible for the odessa tragedy president putin pulled no punches when describing the situation as artie's he called his skin off explains now. well the president has outlash that the current of thought is in kiev holding them responsible for the violence in southeastern ukraine seeing that their hands are now covered in blood commenting on the ongoing military operation putin says dear friend it's the western sponsors are only provoking more violence and now not russia nor any other outside where has any influence over those people living in those parts of ukraine they're not going to put their weapons down knowing that their lives are continuously being threatened all this is according to the
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president's press secretary community school also added that anyone who presents actions as a legitimate are criminals themselves we also know that the president is coarsely monitoring the events unfolding in ukraine also from the angle of russia's further actions he's deeply concerned not only about the situation there in the country itself but also about the way it's being presented in the west saying that the what . the democratic elections in ukraine could western nations be talking about with an ongoing military operation conducted by. its own citizens and also added that the west either doesn't understand what's really happening there on the ground or has chosen not to understand it the e.u. is urging all political forces to accept the responsibilities for a few to the crisis to get back to inclusive dialogue so western politicians though resorted to tweeting so. putting the blame for the tragic events on the victims
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themselves washington has denounced the violence isn't acceptable but failed to mention the procure of radicals behind it and she can report some of the story. it's interesting the headlines and tweets that we've seen coming from major u.s. and european news outlets do not mention that those who were torched you know this anti activist and that it was done by a group of radicals then you have the swedish foreign minister called bill actually suggesting that it's the quote unquote pro russians fault that they were burned to death he writes horrible was at least thirty eight dead you know this seems to have started with progress or an attempt to get control of buildings violence must stop then he police again prohibition thugs getting active and violent you know this as well unfortunately not on expected but this is the city will control your oppositional spoke in more generic terms when commenting on the radicals attacks on protesters without mentioning who carries out the attacks british foreign secretary
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for example wrote i deplore and regret the loss of life you know this there is an urgent need for restraint and stepping back from confrontation then here in the u.s. you have pundits and foreign policy at first like the head of the brookings think tank who wrote. a consequence of putting using a word to add twelve a cab to the cavalry of our time with planes and blood again just to tell but somehow suggesting that the russian president is responsible for the killings and not the proteas radicals who have actually attacked these people we know this we hear no clear do not see action of this kind of violence coming from u.s. officials they have firmly sided themselves with authorities in kiev and everyone in ukraine who opposes the government in kiev in the view of washington just received their instructions from moscow one of the biggest concerns that we've seen is the russian propaganda that has been. blasted out nonstop.
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suggesting somehow that the a cranium government is responsible for the problems in eastern ukraine the ukrainian government has shown remarkable restraint throughout process this. since president obama spoke early after his meeting with german chancellor angela merkel and basically dismissed the whole protest against here the sponsor and in controlled by russia and put the responsibility for the escalation on moscow alone president obama also showed full support for kiev's crackdown on the protests in the east of ukraine he called it a move to restore order. can the washington d.c. we'll be tracking the calls all the ongoing developments in southeastern ukraine throughout the night here on our t.v. coming up after the break britain's health service is running a financial fever we are warning to the government about how cuts could be putting lives at risk.
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middle east. peace process. to build a new. mission to teach me. to care about. why you should care.
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of the morning or in the u.k. you know britain's national health service could find itself on the cash flow critical list as soon as next year a leading health care think tank says the government urgently needs to inject extra cash but instead leaders are committed to cuts in all of the same some twenty billion pounds but twenty fifty want to form a paramedic told r.t. sarah ferguson how that strategy is putting lives at risk. sounding the alarm barely a week goes by when we don't hear a story about the impacts government cuts having on the n.h.s. now it's paramedics who are speaking out the recent death of william gold burn the
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seventy five year old man who died after waiting two hours for an ambulance has to an examination of the current pressures facing ambulance stop after the coroner in the case called the death a sad consequence of cuts. on condition of anonymity earth former employee exclusively. about his own experiences in the ambulance service i felt sad for patients that were going to me you're doing a great job after picking their. husband or wife up the pillow on the floor having a stroke for an hour i just think i'm not letting you down so hence. why i need to speak up why i need to speak i think it's just to do with government funding cuts bosses in the under so he's having to. more and more with less money and less funding. we're told about some of the tough conditions now facing our staff that are left trying to pick up the slack some are working ten eleven twelve
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hours without a meal break and i'm not sure why they're not for their own health as much as they are for the patients and in the end. if you know if you're not giving people staff . the right breaks to get there are a high risk of making clinical errors there are a risk of. his wife free three and a half tons they're driving these around. they're more risk of making a drawing ever clinic where the government has said they want the n.h.s. to make up to twenty billion pounds worth of a fish and sea savings by twenty fifteen it's an ethiopian slammed full by campaign is saying that putting lives at risk. aversion. to clive today is the kalitta of the national health action party any political group that wants to put the future of the n.h.s.
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right at the heart of the political agenda ahead of the general elections but i think for health care austerity cuts across the board so right from public health down much more local services for example ambulance services we're seeing increased . and we've seen patients waiting longer and longer to get an urgent call and you know the media is now filling up with stories where patients become acutely sick not getting seen in time and actually you know really sadly some people are dying it's absolutely outrageous unless this is what happens when you start cutting back public services he put the concerns raised to the department of health in a statement to us they said the ambulance service is performing well arriving on scene in under eight minutes in more than seventy five percent of the most life threatening cases but we know the service is getting busier so since twenty ten the n.h.s. has recruited sixty percent more paramedics to help longer term n.h.s. england is carrying out a review to look at the demands on services and how the n.h.s.
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should respond but days on the front line convinced this is the problem i have things here quite easily be going statistics. quite. interesting things while i think if you work on the service. and know how to question them they come unstuck because you actually know can i stay quiet any more i can stay quietly more because i care for the patient that patient i treat as the my own family member and it could be me. the ambulance service struggles on and with morale across the health service reportedly at an all time low many are now warning that if the cuts continue britain will have to wave goodbye not just to an efficient turn violent service but to the n.h.s. as we know it so r.t. reporting from london. some for you know the breaking news the real ramping up of tensions in south east ukraine to report
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a military operations reportedly underway right now in two cities in the donetsk region southeast ukraine first of all in mario paul where troops an armored vehicles are allegedly about to storm the administrative building held held by. tester's they've given him a party just a few minutes to leave those premises shots have been heard across the city and barricades of burning tires have been living off and heavy smoke that's the picture there meantime in the city of constantine of self defense squads fighting with the military around the exterior of the local t.v. according to the reports we're getting through with the signals out for the moment there are no programs on air we've been able to get a firsthand account of events from one resident who ever in the last few minutes in our poll let's listen. armed vehicles started entering the city then the fire erupted mercenaries for the ukrainian national guard opened fire in a minute people's heads there's no fatalities so far but i can't say anything about
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the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city. stay across all the fast moving stories who are not international who got more updates on the situation in ukraine in about thirty minutes you know we had to take you through the night after the break the break he was set up the mountains here this is an international. jeffrey chapman from kansas is going on trial for murder but he is very afraid of jury prejudice is it because the jury is full of racists or has some sort of vested interest in seeing him get locked away no it is because he is
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a giant tattoo on his neck of the word murder written backwards wiser and backwards so he could read it in the mirror. nowadays we live in a total culture of almost complete and total myth so naturally chapman wants to leave jail on a special trip to a tattoo parlor to get the ugly ink changed or removed yeah because he did something stupid to his appearance now it is the obligation of the government to help him fix the problem he created often on these opinion pieces i am very critical of the government but this time the man is totally right you can't just take everyone on special trips across town so they can look good for their trial it isn't the state's fault that he has the word murder on his neck the prosecutors even said that chapman that it would be ok if he covered it up with something like a stylish current for dapper turtleneck sweater it is not the. job of the government to help you get rid of your very stupid and very incriminating debt to a fascist my opinion.
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zacky what happened that day i don't know but oh well yeah killed. fears leaders are i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to consent to the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse they were taking they could do what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said.
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what shaken while going to break in a set i.v. martin for some reason the majority of people in this country still support the death penalty which is slightly unsettling considering the fact that almost every other industrialized country in the world has already ban the practice personally i used to support it but i learned that eighteen people on death row had been exonerated by d.n.a. evidence since nine hundred eighty nine here in the fact that even one let alone eighteen innocent people already been said and that was enough to convince me that capital punishment is deeply flawed and this week it turns out the number of innocent people on death row is actually much higher than previously estimated according to a new study by the proceeding of national academy of sciences one hundred twenty five and mates on death row are innocent. moreover study researchers are calling the findings which are double the percentage of those exonerated in the decades prior a conservative estimate yes samuel gross professor and lead author of the study
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says quote the great majority of innocent people who are sentenced to death are never identified and freed the purpose of our study is to account for the innocent defendants who are not exonerated the study was conducted by reviewing the outcomes of almost seventy five one hundred death row cases in the last three decades according to the study of that group one hundred seventeen or one point six percent were exonerated but with enough time and resources the authors concluded that at least four point one percent of them would have been exonerated in other words more than two hundred other prisoners would have been cleared during those three decades so now that we know that there are innocent people languishing behind bars awaiting their demise because of a flawed system ask yourself would you rather take the chance of letting one guilty person free than sentence an innocent one to die think about that and let's break the.
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please please. please very large atlantic. that are back with the target there are those. that believe. the atlantic . at least. two weekends ago mark one of the deadliest u.s. drone campaigns since the assassination by air policy began in two thousand and two several strikes conducted over the course of three days against alleged al qaeda militants killed at least sixty eight people in southern yemen according the
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country's sabah news agency now only three of those deaths have been reported a civilian casualties but considering that the new america foundation discovered that drone strikes only have a two percent success rate at taking out high level targets and that one only needs to be of military age male in order to be labeled a militant the number is most likely far higher of course these casualty numbers are almost impossible to confirm considering the extreme is secrecy and hope he said opacity of a program that is taken as demanded forty seven hundred people across the middle east and africa are in the bureau of investigative journalism but back in november in a rare act of reasonable miss the senate intelligence committee passed the two thousand and fourteen intelligence operations bill with the provision that the president must issue an annual public report on the number of combatants and civilians killed by drone strikes great idea. well the small measure of transparency when it comes to state sponsored killings was apparently just too much for the intelligence
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community to handle and two weeks ago director of national intelligence james clapper wrote a letter to the senate intelligence committee stating that these transparency provisions were needed because the executive branch is already committed to disclosing more public information about these strikes great very reassuring words coming from a known purger in a letter addressed to senator dianne feinstein and senator saxby chambliss clapper wrote quote the executive branch is currently exploring ways in which it can provide the american people more information about the u.s. is use of force outside areas of active hostilities while to no one's surprise in the face of the indiscriminate spying and drone strike movement dianne feinstein was all too eager to comply with kloppers request that's right just yesterday the crypt keeper self along with other high ranking intelligence committee members decided to remove the transparency requirement from the bill just before it goes to
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the senate floor for a vote because while feinstein fight to declassify her committee's own report on cia torture declassified the number of civilians murdered by machines is just a step too far not to get this the most insane part of all of it is that feinstein was the center of that propose the transparency measure in the first place and now out of sheer cowardice she completely buckled under the pressure of taking even the most miniscule step to shed light on this horrific policy but luckily there are members of congress who aren't completely and james clapper is pocket representatives adam schiff and walter jones a democrat and republican respectively introduce their own bill in the house earlier this month for save ministration to disclose casualty numbers and civilian deaths when it comes to drone strikes shift called the bill a modest but important measure of transparency and oversight to see shift and jones know that demanding at. numbers is literally the bare minimum congress can do when it comes to of knowledge in human life and the fact that clapper and the obama
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administration are so afraid of releasing these numbers indicates the civilian casualty count may be far more insidious than media reports indicate as director of amnesty international security and human rights programs says quote how many people have to die for congress to take even a small step of toward transparency it's stunning that after all these years we still don't know how many people the obama administration has killed with drones but if our sycophantic congress keeps kowtow ing to people like clapper that question may never be answered. in the last few decades the world of sin information and renaissance all things of the internet's ability to level the playing field when it comes to disseminating knowledge but the very notion of equal distribution online is under threat like never before since the internet's inception
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a concept called net neutrality is protected users small and large to be able to access websites and distribute content at the same speed and bandwidth but internet service providers or i as pieces like comcast and verisign have tried to overturn net neutrality for years and now take over has never been closer to thanks documents leaked to the wall street journal last week we now know that the federal communications commission or f.c.c. is proposing to abandon net neutrality altogether by creating a tiered internet this means that pay to play will be the new i espied business model and even those who can afford the faster tear in the dust now given the fact that the f.c.c. is supposed to be a regulator and they are shocked at how far the agency is going to protect massive telecom corporations but according to a new article by vice this shouldn't come as a surprise considering the people that run the f.c.c. ever since f.c.c. commissioner tom. took his position last year he's hired everyone from former comcast attorneys like daniel alvarez to matthew del narrow to
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a former lawyer for t.v.'s telecom not to mention wheeler himself as a former lobbyist for the telecom industry in fact he's been sponsored by comcast horizon and the u.s. telecom association what better person to represent the people when it comes to an internet free of corporate collusion so to discuss what this all means and the end of the internet as we know it i'm joined now by john fox global advocacy manager at access now dot org thank you so much for coming on thank you for having me so i know that we these aren't finalized but we do know of the leaked report can you break down exactly what we what we now know from this document. gender stand how we got to this mess today we have to go back in time a bit and look at an early two thousand when the f.c.c. really of responsibility and. gave up its. ability to regulate the internet by calling it something new something unbranded before in two thousand and ten. the f.c.c.
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passed rules the open internet rules which prevented iowa speeds from discriminating against content. in january of this year a d.c. court shut down those rules saying they didn't have the authority to regulate internet service providers in such a way so the f.c.c. now has a very clear way to deal with this problem which is to reclassify internet service providers as common carriers just as they were in the past but instead we've seen chairman wheeler try to come up with new rules and new ways of doing things and what he's basically open the door allegedly according to media publications is to allow i.s.p. use the find creative ways to find to get more money out of content providers and for people who don't really understand what net neutrality is or what it means to average internet users can you break down an example of how this would affect the average internet user so no new. he basically sets up principles that prevent network discrimination so i asked because internet service providers like comcast
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in one thousand nine hundred varieties and have a responsibility to make sure all information gets sent across the internet no matter where it starts or where it ends no matter what kind of information if it's an e-mail or a picture or streaming t.v. and to make sure that they put a best effort to get that information across while preventing any form of discrimination it also prevents any company or business to ask for permission to innovate on line and so what we're afraid of is that internet users not just in the u.s. but all over the world will have less options on line and it up paying more for those fewer options. and just two months ago netflix was forced to make a deal with comcast in order to speed up their streaming service i mean what does this indicate about how video providers will be affected and will operate in a non neutral internet world what it means is that increasingly content providers such as netflix will have to pay more to beat the monopoly in getting to
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the consumer at the end and the that extra cost that netflix will have to pay will eventually trickle down to the consumers and what we're also concerned is that i have speakers are essentially going to get paid three times for providing the same service they're going to triple dip they're going to get paid by the consumer who pays their monthly internet bill they're going to be paid by back and providers to access the internet and then they'll be paid a third time by netflix in order to make sure that they reach me had a speed that i can watch netflix because you don't have to block netflix in order to kill exactly you just have to slow it down i'm really really happy you pointed that out john the payment structure that's going to be just given to these i as p.s. i mean when you have the f.c.c. kind of stacked with former lobbyists and lawyers for the telecom industry it really shows you how this is all kind of channeling back to the f.c.c. it's just unbelievable how much they will get the telecom it's a huge win for them john there's so much this information about this i want to
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bring up something that is really surprising i think how the u.s. internet speed pales in comparison to places like japan south korea i want to bring up this chart here because competition in the marketplace i mean this is going to affect competition as well i mean how does the f.c.c. is new policy going to curb the incentive for companies like comcast to invest in upgrading our infrastructure which is poorly i mean which is poor comparison to other countries unfortunately of the u.s. already has a highly concentrated market when it comes to telecommunications whether it's wireless or internet this is a problem in. the united states and this is a structural problem we have and it's just going to get worse if companies like comcast are allowed to buy time warner which is another deal that's in the works so with that in the background we're extremely concerned about this. one of the ways we can make the situation better here in the united states is by the f.c.c. taking more proactive role in protecting users not telecommunication companies and
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enforcing strong rules that protect consumers in regards to network discrimination and tring that access is readily available no matter if you live in a large metropolitan city or even in a rural area nineteen million americans today don't have access to broadband internet and one of the ways to solve that is through better regulation by the f.c.c. standing up for users it is time and none of these proposals are finalized it is time for us to stand up flood congress telling them that we need the f.c.c. to cement neutrality once and for all thank you so much john fox really appreciate and i thank you for having me on. stick around to hear all the reasons why israel is already an apartheid state.
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school lisa try to clear. up a pulling out of. your life or it's your teaching everybody. time a no no law no weapon. like what. they say. these cases. sometimes for nothing. this season and. it's not just you still can still be just if you could you see the stage eight look to be. but speech was. the the. sound boring to the book
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because the last years of the roman republic it was an article of faith to the romans but they were the most morally upright people hence the romans concerned to refute all charges of bullying and to insist that they had won their empire surely in self-defense. this sounds familiar stacey. put it on your arm and watch it. it's a. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher.
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folks in between coverage of races and be a owners and ranchers the corporate media had just enough time to viscerally react to secretary of state john kerry dropping a big bomb secretary of state john kerry is pushing back after drawing heavy criticism for comments he made about israel during a closed door meeting with world leaders on friday at a closed door meeting in washington friday kerry kerry said middle east peace is not achieved israel could become an apartheid state that remarks are going to storm of criticism certainly but using the term apartheid is a loaded comment and that's what had republicans as well as some democrats up in arms over secretary of state john kerry's remark this is beyond something requiring
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an apology i think this is a resigning type statement. that's right angers puns and lawmakers alike have been outraged over john kerry daring to compare israel to apartheid in south africa while the media feigns anger over kerry for same potential apartheid in the future let me break down the reality is israel is already an apartheid state and fact instances of institutionalized segregation in the country abound first starters israel has a permit system which restricts travel for ethnic palestinians in the west bank limiting where they can live unless they obtain herman's from the israeli government is checkpoints aren't. all that dissimilar from south africa's pass system which restricted movement for blocks in regard to the limited mobility of palestinians former u.s. president jimmy carter said in two thousand and six that quote israel occupies territory deep within the west bank and connects the two hundred settlements with each other with a road and then brought about the palestinians from using that road or in many
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cases even crossing it perpetuates even worse instances of apartness or apartheid and we witnessed even in south africa wow but as the last half century shows the gradual takeover of palestinian land by israeli colonies means that every day palestinians are left with less and less land to call their own and less land means less rights following the one thousand nine hundred designation of israel as the jewish state the land was effectively cleansed of palestinian habitants you need only look at the demographics today where nearly seventy percent of gaza residents once lived where it's now considered southern israel historian juan cole notes in a recent article how the segregation that exists within villages is not found on any map citing that somewhere around ninety thousand arabs live in one hundred seventy six unrecognized villages inside israel inhabitants of these villages are considered internal refugees displaced after the one nine hundred forty eight war
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having fled their homes with nowhere else to go and being unrecognized by israel means that tens of thousands of arab residents have no access to public services like water roads education health care or even electricity but hey we have to be careful not to get carried away and start comparing israel of south africa right i mean come on it's not like israel was forcibly injecting african immigrants with birth control some sort of nuanced eugenics program. waving as apparently as many as one hundred thirty thousand ethiopian women were forcibly sterilized according to her right. dropping the birth rate of ethiopia and israelis by twenty percent. all right all right but at least israel didn't uphold the law banning palestinians from living with their spouses in israel right oh wait they did despite human rights organizations calling the ruling racist israel's supreme court has legally prevented thousands of individuals in the west bank and gaza from living with their
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spouses in israel all right fine but the very least there are any parts of israel that would introduce racially segregated schools right unfortunately they're doing that too last summer shoulder and south tel aviv attended preschool classes segregated by race so knowing all of this is it really any wonder why we're seeing growing support for the israel boycott divestment sanctions movement or b.d.s. or just like south africa and international movement is galvanizing to divest and boycott israel for its apartheid system so given the emotional reaction to anyone simply criticizing the israeli government these unpopular truths are rarely discussed and i think it's about time we call a spade a spade call it segregation call it racism call it what you will but institutionalized discrimination and systematic oppression over any group based on race is the definition of apartheid. the.
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next week congress will be going marking up the nation's annual defense bill with all eyes on obama's military response in eastern europe there's another turbulent region of the world being largely go back a bit neglected can't speak the middle east the u.s. occupation of afghanistan was the longest one of most pointless military excursions in the in the history of this country sadly the country rarely enters mainstream public consciousness and in fact most americans probably think the war ended years ago but alas the future of afghanistan. and hangs in the balance see amidst the drawdown process the pentagon has yet to say how many troops will remain in the country and how much it will cost to keep them there the fiscal times the white house is asking for eighty billion dollars as a placeholder until the details are sorted out but aside from the troops and contractors that will remain on the ground there is another huge mess to contend
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with during america's withdrawal military equipment right now there's thirty three billion dollars worth of military equipment in afghanistan and the question remains what are they going to do with it to break down exactly that correspondent megan lopez who's been working on a six part exposé on this very subject thank you so much megan. so as i said thirty three billion dollars worth of equipment left in afghanistan how is it being shipped out where's it going so the thirty three billion dollars that you're talking about breaks down into forty eight thousand vehicles twenty three thousand cargo pods those cargo pods filled with equipment much of that equipment has come back but there's still quite a bit left that needs to come out of the country so there's three different transport routes those being rail ports and air transport and the air transport is obviously the safest is you can just fly it out however it's also the most expensive ten times more expensive than some of the other methods for transport one of the other really big kind of ways to transport it is the northern distribution
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network which is those railroad so you take a truck up to those railroads the railroads take it out to other countries where you can then ship it the problem obviously right now is that a lot of those railroads go to russia and russia right now is obviously under a lot of criticism by the u.s. for what what is going on in ukraine so the other kind of routes that we're taking and that we're most favoring right now is through pakistan to the south we take those roads south through pakistan to the port of course and then take the ports ship the cargo back that's the best way but there are a lot of issues with trying to get things through pakistan namely that the route is just so. in consistent at the moment two thousand and eleven for instance there was the it was closed down for seven months retaliation for an errant nato airstrike that killed twenty four pakistani soldiers in retaliation again they closed down that route also there's things like the fact that those roads are dangerous those roads are going through mountains they're not safe another really big issue to come
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up is the fact that pakistan wants more for customs to transport some of those things and then also kind of some of the smaller things cultural things for instance last year the route closed down for several rinks in recognition of ramadan the holy week. but considering i mean you said it costs much more to keep equipment in afghanistan than it does to ship it out i'm sorry opposite of what i just said cost much more to ship it out than they keep it there is let's talk about what's being kept there well a lot of the equipment that is being kept there forces kind of what we saw in iraq is some of the lower tech equipment in terms of keeping equipment there let's take them up for instance that's kind of probably the most recognizable vehicle that afghan and iraq wars it comes ten thousand dollars to destroy one of those vehicles versus fifty thousand dollars to transport them right so they're saying ok we'll you know we'll sell them they're trying to ship back sixty percent of the equipment they're trying to sell or scrap forty percent the problem is that you have to take
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that equipment as is where it is so you are asking other countries to have to interrupt janice and figure out their own transport routes which adds on to the cost and they're not giving a lot of that high tech equipment to the afghan army so a lot of it they're scrapping and not just scrapping but completely decimating to the point where it's not even recognizable that's even things like microwaves for instance they're taking them apart completely because of the fact that there is a timer inside of those microwaves which could potentially be used to create an i.e.d. and we're we're not just talking about this equipment as you mentioned in your in your incredible expose i mean the u.s. army basically built little america's around all these. bases and all of that is being stripped and completely decimated and destroyed as well everything within those restaurants and and what you mentioned briefly iraq occupation and kind of how it compared how does this compare to the iraq drawdown well a lot of the different people that i talked to spoke about afghanistan in terms of historical context they said that this is the biggest drawdown since world war two
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it's the berlin airlift in reverse the reason being that where iraq has some ports afghanistan is landlocked it's completely different not only that but afghanistan is surrounded by a bunch of countries that are not exactly friendly with the united states of iran being one of them and the list kind of just goes on and on so afghanistan is different then iraq geopolitically but also kind of when it comes to the history the u.s. left six hundred million dollars worth of equipment to the iraqi army and also sold ten billion dollars worth of additional equipment to the iraqi army that's something that you're not going to see happen with afghanistan reason being because iraq had a very well formed very well functioning army before the u.s. came in the u.s. came in through overthrew saddam hussein took over the army dissolved it rebuilt it and those people were already well well equipped trained on the other hand you have
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a loose collective of afghan tribes that composed the afghan army if you want to call it that before the u.s. has been working very hard to build up the afghan army but there are some very big problems with the afghan army one of the biggest problems is the language barrier but then also not only the language barrier because they speak farsi and dari and pashto to iraq which they have one kind of more uniform language but also deal literacy rates more than fifty percent of troops right now cannot read they can't read road signs for instance they can't read maps so if they can't read simple things like that and you're giving them a very complex piece of equipment. you can imagine how that would go here you go here's twenty seven thousand the m. raps figured out here's the manual i don't agree with that and say oh wait let's talk about these machines because this was really a crazy part twenty seven thousand wanted to show our audience what these vehicles look like again now that basically what's happening now is that they're just giving
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them to local municipalities in america under the n.d.a. section ten thirty three that's insane so basically all the militarisation going on around the country is you're going to see a lot more of these machines i mean i'm talking about cities that have like ten thousand twenty thousand people do they need these machines well i think that's a question to be had for those the army and the police departments that i've spoken to so that you can use these for disaster relief and recovery efforts for instance although i haven't heard of a situation where they have been used swat teams have they're spreading out throughout the country through this ten thirty three program with that kind of an emphasis on counterterrorism counternarcotics and national security and things like that but again it is those really small kind of towns that are getting their hands on these very big machines and they take the armor off they take the machine guns off but still you do have the question of whether those machines you know kind of need to be back and i think we have a map of all the cities that do have them but was amazing as in your package joe donnelly representative was basically saying you know we don't care about the price
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tag it was all worth the price and really what they should show us is that we should be taking all of this into account before we just invade countries and occupy them let's take the cost and all of these things into account megan thank you so much for doing just making really appreciate report and thank you. but our show you guys join me again tomorrow to break the set all over again. i wonder if we steal it. contrail. but. i don't believe by any means. cut out of the same cloth. totally in
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control. fully in charge. of. the interview. of the.
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ukrainian troops reportedly gear up to storm administrative building held by protesters in the eastern city. self-defense. with the military in another city. ukrainian. control in the southern city. government protesters in a building. for condoning the crimes conducted by radicals in odessa russia's leader warrants that the protesters in the east are now unlikely to decide on. burning questions many in the mainstream media are reluctant to say who started the deadly fire in odessa even though pictures such as these really show how much of a role the radicals played in the events. i
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. you're watching r t international a warm welcome i mean you know neal we start in so i think crane where we're getting a lot of reports coming in of developments in the region in the city of mariupol ukrainian troops have reportedly moved into the city and have surrounded on administrative building held by government protesters. in another city constantino fighting is going on between self-defense squads on the military i side a local t.v. tower we've been able to talk to some eyewitnesses in the region you know. and then the center of the city there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center
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people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting well hoping they won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure anymore. armed vehicles started entering the city then the fire erupted mercenaries or the ukrainian national guard opened fire a minute people's heads there's no fatalities so far but i can't say anything about the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city. there was information there were going to be attacked and we were preparing for the assault a subversive group of right sector arrived we clashed with them and we surrounded them on all four sides of the t.v. tower they called for reinforcements an armored vehicles came they fired at civilians from these vehicles there are casualties on both sides i think but i'm not sure how many and there is information there will be another attack and dawn. artie's paulus lawyer is in the region she's been following the event there for us
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increasingly great developments happening here in the south eastern ukraine in the city of mario paul we now understand that the army is actually inside the city center they have surrounded the local administration building the way you currently have a few hundred and have protesters those protesters are telling us that they are inside that the army is warning that if they do not leave the building in the coming minutes they will be fired and the building will be seized the people we've been talking to on the ground say that there are about three to five hundred and sixty of protesters that their arms there hasn't as of yet been any reports of injuries but certainly the showdown for violence is happening inside that city now the protesters have set up barricades they burning tires in front of that building so very dramatic developments coming out of mario pole in a separate developments in the town of constant i'm not there we are hearing reports that at least two people have been killed we're still receiving sketchy
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information but we do understand that a military operation has begun there there is firing as i say shots are being heard when we see even with. course right now that the t.v. building has been seized by the ukrainian army and that all transmissions are currently off the air we have no more details except that self defense units have seized the security services headquarters they say that they're going nowhere we hear in their favor that this is going to be a military offensive to the end in another development in the city of donetsk earlier on saturday where we had antique here of protesters seizing the central security building now no more developments since then but damascus also a hot spot where we're constantly receiving information that there are is going to be a showdown and a clash between both sides none of this is a surprise kids did say that it was planning to start operations across the region but it is also threatening that once these operations are over it will move to
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other regions and as you can well imagine people here are terrified most people in the town where i am sorry and scott choosing to remain indoors earlier i caught up with a family who spoke to me from behind their barricaded front door the city center is in lockdown the streets are empty people are afraid to leave their homes. came here to kill us vladimir so give each and his wife have lived in slavyansk all their lives until recently it was a small sleepy provincial town but friday morning that changed forever. around four thirty in the morning there was the sound of short ground and explosions i woke up immediately it was a very scary. with this new york all of them together with their mercenaries together with the right sector instructed by our interim president interim prime minister they all are war criminals residents of slovyansk have been ordered to
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remain indoors bloody near and i have no intention of stepping out they are glued to their television sit where it's being reported that the right sector is in the city center. they tried to enter the city disguised the students there were renting apartments but eventually they all are being called there is a panic shops will run out of food amid rumors the army is stopping supplies from getting in the a.t.m.'s are cash strapped and pharmacies are short of medicine or go along with you. there is no possibility to go somewhere if something happens because the cd is closed i'm afraid that looting will start or there will be frets on my family we have no police now to ask for help even in my worst dream i couldn't imagine a situation like this but the nightmare is about to get worse as rumors circulate that the army is gearing up for another onslaught the streets might be empty but many fear this is the calm before the storm policy r.t.
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slovyansk eastern ukraine. now the city of trauma tore scales become another focal point of kiev's military offensive against protesters in the dinette screeching. the latest reports say the army's managed to get control of most of the city with and to kiev forces keeping hold of just one central square at least two people have been confirmed killed in the fighting graham phillips is there in the area for us so here in the center of comet's horse we can hear obama's going off around me and behind me we've got a scene of devastation as we go on to buses here load not we've got a vacuum also blown up there burning tires smoldering shells at the moment in the center of this main street of the city of some two hundred thousand fifteen kilometers from serbia and so this happened a few hours ago with members of the crimean national guard or the national guard is a military outfit comprising many members of the private sector this of course the far right neo nazi group linked with many terrorist acts across ukraine now the
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national guard reportedly came into the city several hours ago they were firing they were detonating there were explosions going off in coming towards the administrative building was taken here three weeks ago by these pro told me pro referendum activists the other day the s.b.u. building as we reported for r.t. was taken that's just out there but we also have here the ukrainian omi and members now reported to the national guard based out of the airfield some three kilometers outside the city was reportedly happened today that they've come in to the tank to try to reclaim these administrative buildings these buildings and homes of these proton the activists and they have come in looking to some tools to talk more about the situation here. so many people were killed today i personally carried out one of the dead and one of the wounded he was hit with an armor piercing bullet in the leg also i saw a young girl killed and another man has lost his arm and we do have scenes now of destruction and in fact if we come around to look down here we can see the far end
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there are two further bomb down. spanners here in comma tosk the scenes of destruction indicate escalation in the situation in eastern ukraine as it seems to spill into crisis this is going phillips here with r.t. . cranes black sea port city of odessa is mourning the dozens of people killed in violent street clashes on friday normally calm city turned into a burning battlefield when groups supporting the leadership in kiev squared off against government activists we have to warn you that you may find some of the following pictures the stir being radicals on local football fans forced many of the activists to hide inside the trade unions building before they threw molotov cocktails in through the windows dozens suffocated or burned alive and those who tried to escape through the windows were brutally assaulted here a couple of harboring accounts from survivors of the massacre. and there's
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a view then yes they said entrances to the building and fire and started throwing molotov cocktails small ball men stun grenades through the windows they burned people alive shouting glory to ukraine people were suffocating inside some of those people were so desperate they just jumped out of the windows and the mall when front of the building was just chanting glory to ukraine and finishing all those people who leapt from the building i personally saw how one man tried to escape and about a hundred people started chasing him shouting death death eventually the core team threw him on the ground and started beating him to death. there were about fifty of us on the roof men and women the right sector was blocking the streets we looked down at what was happening around us and thought they wouldn't let us out alive people from other floors were brought down and the extremists attacked them like a pack of wolves then the police escorted us from the building we had to step over dead bodies them over coming down the stairs. several people were also killed in
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downtown odessa before the trade unions building was set. on fire at first it was hundreds of people from both sides fighting each other in the radicals are partly from right sector destroyed the tent city which had been set up by activists or to read for national takes us through the events. progression old greek square in central address so this is where friday father clashes that led to dozens of deaths erupted between those who support the country's go vote as they would take in the streets and those who do not share the nicest people in kiev as the dismissed power of the country they were coming weeks way and this is where they met activists from both toys have started to throw stones and mortar folktales to each other it lasted almost two hours the police arrived to the state up to four people were killed and several cars were burned but that was just the beginning. the most dramatic events happened here in a desolate trade unions house in the city center looks away from the weak square
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where the clashes began bringing the first us that's a poor taste of the interim government in kiev joined by aggressive football fans and members of some of ukraine's far right groups moved here where for weeks and actually months already those who didn't know she could not use the poll which is in kiev have been protesting the crowd first destroyed that titan has been established near the square in front of the building after that set the building itself on fire at the time when several activists have been hiding inside in fear of aggression against them i witness to say that the activists radical activist very cake and preventing people from leaving the building at the same time throwing multiple through the window so you can see some of the windows are broken in the fire occurred inside people started suffocating panic more than thirty people were killed as a result some of them burnt alive others while trying to jump out of the windows
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trying to save their lawyers local runs. so how they fit together in here in front of these basic questions morning bringing flowers and candles to commemorate. on friday of the week then we shall they say on friday when policemen were so needed they were not here the three day mourning houses and no deaths so the mood was changed to that matter now no one can say sure what happened and where. to. refinish now obviously from a death in such a place if. there's a protest occurring in front of odessa is interior ministry building right now a couple of hundred people are demanding the release of those activists who were arrested following last night's fire up the trade unions building ministry officials have promised to let everyone go but the protesters plan on staying in front of the building all night stay with r.t. for all the latest developments on that
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a few eyewitnesses we spoke with since the clashes broke are told this stuff they saw police doing very little to stop the armed radicals in the streets of odessa some onless believe that's because the far right groups are getting the green light from the west something which may lead to civil war. they call for calm from people who are actually just want federalization of ukraine on the other hand they're encouraging the extremists from the right sector who are taking up arms probably being armed and advised by the west right now. they're giving them the green light so it makes sense from the western viewpoint it's not at all fair it's not balanced and it's actually a criminal sort of meddling in the internal affairs of a country there instigating civil war right now even if those ceasefire was somehow reached in the next couple of days. there is no trust within the country anymore it would take quite
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a while for that sort of trust to go and see to that so on the twenty fifth of may to have a real elections it would be a joke. coming up this hour britain's health service is running a financial fever we hear the warning to the government about how the cuts could be putting lives at risk. well. it's technology innovation all these developments around russia we've got the future covered. was. was a little we will stand for europe the white europe the traditional europe for the free nation europe. they should be arresting all those terrorists in kiev instead of all of the presidential candidates the military
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junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views in different. ways what will slow those we have to live in peace brothers we shouldn't fight each other one people. will bring this. welcome back to the program numerous videos from odessa are showing exactly what happened on friday but the picture still is not clear for some in the main street media for instance some news outlets say they still do not know how the deadly fire at the trade unions building started let's get more insight on this from marty's
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gynae good to have you with this guy and a why do you think so many media outlets are reluctant to give their viewers more details on what occurred in odessa the pictures after all that there for everybody to see. absolutely well in u.s. and european media we've seen some very carefully worded commentary on the tragedy that happened this it carefully as to avoid assigning blame to those who have actually set the building on fire and torched all these people inside watching their material you may get a says that the building just caught fire just like that and some activists happened to be inside and the entitled protest camp that had been set up in front of the buildings have been to have been destroyed and it all just happened. clashes between the pro ukrainian camp and the pro russian camp killed at least four people at the onset than a fire breaking out in
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a building there unclear exactly what may have caused it meanwhile going here in the stage where i am in. this is the first real violence we have seen here that has been a peaceful floor at some stage yesterday and it's still unclear exactly how this started but the rival russian and ukrainian protest here it led to fierce street clashes which culminated in a huge fire here and it building last night the violence is escalating in ukraine police and normally calm odessa say a clash between pro russians and government supporters led to a fire that killed at least thirty one people. close despite the fact that there's footage which clearly shows procul activists throwing molotov cocktails into the burning building with people trapped inside you have rights after activists who admit having done that and yet it seems all we see is an attempt to whitewash their actions washington post for example writes a pro ukrainian after activists said our people had thrown the molecules cocktail
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but now they're helping them to escape the building then you have many carefully worded headlines again as if the fire just happened the new york times goes forty six people had died many of the dead were pro russian militants who had retreated into a trade union building that was then set on fire the words pro russian militants are supposed to create an impression that those were not just people and demonstrators who were trapped inside a burning building but they were militants so the wording almost justifies the act of killing the guardian quotes a member of the extreme nationalist group right sector saying the aim is to completely clear odessa they're all paid russian separatists well this dismissive attitude that everyone in ukraine will pose as a government in kiev is just controlled by waskow is in line with what we hear from washington and european european officials who have firmly side with themselves
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with the authorities in kiev and seem to be prepared to justify and defend whatever action to you takes against the protesters the insights from ortiz in washington. britain's national health service could find itself on the cashflow critical list as soon as next year a leading health care says the government urgently needs to inject extra cash but instead leaders are committed to cuts in order to save some twenty billion pounds by twenty fifteen one former parra medic told r.t. sort of first strategy is putting lives at risk. sounding the alarm barely a week goes by tears story about the impacts government cuts having on the n.h.s. now it's paramedics who are speaking out the recent death of william cold and the seventy five year old man who died after waiting two hours for an ambulance has to
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an examination of the current pressures facing ambulance stop after the coroner in the case called the death a sad consequence of cuts. on condition of anonymity former employee spoke exclusively to see about his own experiences in the ambulance service i felt sad for patients that were going to me you're doing a great job after picking their. husband or wife up to be lying on the floor having a stroke for an hour i just think i'm not letting you down so hence. why i need to speak up why i need to speak i think it's just to do with government funding cults bosses in the un and so he's having to. more and more with less money and less funding. we're told about some of the tough conditions now facing our bill and staff that are left trying to pick up the slack some are working ten eleven
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twelve hours without a meal break and i'm not sure why they're not for their own health as much as they are for the patients and in the end you're going to if you know if you're not giving people staff. the right breaks to get there are a higher risk of making clinical errors there are a risk of. his wife or a free and a half ton state driving these seas around. their more risk of making a drawing ever clinic where the government has said they want the n.h.s. to make up to twenty billion pounds worth of a fish and sea savings by twenty fifteen it's an ethiopian slammed full by campaign is saying that putting lives at risk. aversion. to clive today is the kalitta of the national health action party any political group that wants to pick the future of the n.h.s. right at the heart of the political agenda ahead of the general elections but i
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think the health care austerity cuts across the board so right from public health down much more local services for example ambulance services we're seeing increased . and we've seen patients waiting longer and longer to get an urgent call and you know the media is now filling up with stories where patients become acutely sick not getting seen in time and actually you know really sadly some people are dying it's absolutely outrageous unless this is what happens when you start cutting back public services. the concerns raised to the department of health in a statement they said they have been service is performing well arriving on scene in under eight minutes in more than seventy five percent of the most life threatening cases but we know the service is getting busier so since twenty ten the n.h.s. has recruited sixty percent more paramedics to help longer term n.h.s. england is carrying out a review to look at the demands on services and how the n.h.s. should respond but they use on the front line convinced this is the problem i have
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things here quite easily be going statistics. quite. interesting things qualify think if you were in the service. and know how to question them they come on start. going can i stay quiet anymore i can stay quietly more because i care for the patient that patient i treat my own family member and it could be me. the ambulance service struggles on and with morale across the health service reportedly at an all time low many are now warning that if the cuts continue britain will have to wave goodbye not just to an official time violent service but to the n.h.s. as we know it so the reporting from london. for some news in brief now from around the globe of the three people have been for their twin explosions hit the coastal city of mombasa in kenya according to officials in the first attacked
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a grenade was thrown into a crowd beside a bus stop the second blast happened next to a hotel no group has admitted to carving out the attack government forces frequently clash with islamist rebels around the country. at least six people have been killed by a blast in the capital of somalia a senior city official on his bodyguards were among the victims in the attack the islamist militant group al-shabaab has admitted to carrying out the assault the group continues to launch strikes on somalia despite government forces having driven it out of most parts of the country. according cairo a sentence one hundred two supporters of the ousted president morsi to ten years in prison they were convicted of rioting following last july's military coup on monday a preliminary death sentences were how the two hundred eighty six hundred eighty three people excuse me over the lynching of a police officer during a wave of protests last year despite the ongoing instability egypt is still
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planning to go ahead with a presidential election later this month. and at least fifteen people have reportedly died and several have been injured in a fire at a factory in india the blaze allegedly started in the month plant where workers make firecrackers because of the fire is still not yet known. after the break we return to scythe east ukraine as residents for them their daily lives amid the struggle to get their voices heard but if you're in the u.k. it's sputnik george galloway coming up next. the american humanist association is really riled up over that one very famous chunk of the pledge of allegiance that was added to fight the communists in the cold war that says that america is one nation under god they claim that the
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inclusion of god in the pledge makes it seem like atheists in america are second class patriots and contributes to atheist prejudices well this really depends on how you see the united states is it some sort of neutral ground where anyone with any beliefs can go i mean a lot of people did immigrate to the usa for religious freedom so in this case the word god needs to go or is the state's unique culture that needs to be assimilated into and their culture is ultimately prost and christian it which case the lord almighty must stay in the pledge i doubt that this philosophical argument about the nature of the united states will be solved any time soon although it would be really great if it was but if we think about it the u.s. is a country of rugged individuals so can't patriotism be a bit individualistic yeah they may make you say the pledge of allegiance in school every day but you don't have to say the part about god if you don't want to well that might not see from pressure from your religious schoolmates but it will keep your conscience clean before the eyes of god or not god whichever you prefer but that's just my opinion.
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boring to the book because the last years of the roman republic it was an article of faith to the romans but they were the most morally upright people hence the romans concerned to refute all charges. bullying and to insist that they had won their empire surely in self-defense. in this. day is.
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good this is the city of lugansk we are now inside the barricade which has been set up around the perimeter of the square. people are on guard here. keeping watch over our city. who also does not do they keep watch around the clock there are no weapons or troops here you can see for yourself the barricades made of ties. barbed wire going to this particular section has been reinforced to repel potential attacks which may come at any time of the day or night.
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rather. than under budget. deal and what is our government excuse me the skiff going to done to unite ukraine when you like you did mobilize their army excuse me but against whom are they mobilizing who are the aggressors were are they i mean some pies laid a clean tablecloth and i'm waiting for this aggressor to come and capture me when he's a going to come and then they disconnected our televisions after that they call this the diaspora how can it be a day ask for their eight million of us here who just speak a different language twenty million not eight no i'm talking about the number of russian speaking people here how long are they going to bully us. soon i can sing a song in ukrainian i can recite your poem in ukrainian because there quickly what do you think about how ukrainians and russians get on together. we're all slavs
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we have to live in peace we're brothers we shouldn't fight each other no one people we're all brothers my home runs behind me russia is our moment i have an aunt in russia and friends never ceased. we can't go to war against each other i don't even like to use the word this is the twenty first century how can two slavic peoples go to war and what are we supposed to make of today's order from the so-called kiev government. the so-called kill government gave the order to kill their own people in slovyansk how is it even possible i don't know what to say. they don't care about the geneva accords fascists they're o.s.c. monitors wondering about all over the place but what's going on i can't figure it out none of us can know who is in charge of this madhouse.
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shouldn't go we were just getting on with our lives and not bothering anyone. if they want to join the e.u. that's fine with those we're not against the west but we've always been friends with russia the russians don't interfere in our business and we've always got on well we've no reason to quarrel either with russia all the west so why send in troops it's just ugly. this is our home we've got a culture and a language of our own what right do other people have to come here and start laying down the law. both my grandfathers were killed in world war two. you i'll never sing glory to ukraine glory to bender i hope they get the message that fellow's responsible will have to be tried at the hague one of those know why send troops
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here they should be arresting all those terrorists in kiev and stood up for all of the presidential candidates the military junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views a different understanding of for myself i'm not a politician. or a kalashnikov here's the kalashnikov the latest model that's our automatic. nobody other weapons. head of the right sector is assembling a hit squad called us once it's assembled he's going to target us money. we're just people who are simply trying to protect our legitimate interests. he's made an announcement promising to pay ordinary soldiers one thousand dollars and officers five thousand dollars.
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for the poor over. here to be what they're about of course the norm. for leaking if. you want to bring. through the barrier that. was the opposition and. i'm still not because there's injustice going on in the country there was a coup and illegal takeover of power was used on the naturally the new authorities are setting up their own rules i mean statement out there anyone who disagrees is removed by any means possible it's either put in prison or killed. ah.
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these other rules. but there but that is somebody. come let. us get let me out somebody. come not let somebody. else. fucking them up. to speed up. to see that let me you know what he. reminded myself that i knew. that would but if you were to come upon. us to. do nothing.
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no but it's a pretty sure my well you know i mean you do i know you know i. thought i was up there so. i was i i was the marginal income i assume you see too much pressure summer so i don't spend much of her daughter's school. that's right i was going to go but i was. that. thing is able to my name is now tell us a phone number and i live in the city of cross and on their relation began the miners kept working there will working until a few days ago yesterday on april twenty second at nine pm a demonstration began here in the young guard square. today's april twenty third and it still hasn't
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broken up. in unison with its because it was also please tell us how do you feel about their rights such as actions in ukraine. you could not says are you afraid of mouses and of course not why would we be afraid not all the miners around donbass have risen up yet if the whole of don't bust rises up together it will be game over for everyone do you know that a soldier was killed a mother what a day for if using to fight. this is just the beginning yeah right this is just the beginning but how long will it last for well i have no idea we're doing our best standing here trying to put an end to it. i can say one thing only if the miners rise up it will be worse than my done a million times worse than people in the guns create general russians in their hearts our people are russian at heart they gather here and chant russia i'm sorry but they wouldn't be able to use money to bring ten twenty or even thirty thousand
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people together to show russia i wouldn't be coming here daily to bring us porridge eggs and financial. the point of our activity here is to represent the interests of the people if the people say so then that's how it will be that is we do what the people say and if they say otherwise that means we'll do so as well. ok. that's what i'm yes. yes the story i got to talk to her. a little not much in but if they. were going to limit. the bunch. of us she.
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doesn't do it down so well so that's the senior political acumen. this year will. be a pro-life that's always been that for the picking up to seventeen. when you are the point you have people i mean we're talking what has puzzled me well what do you think you could leave the neo soul on this or your new movie seventy years if it will go away for a little over an amazing over the six love of just a lucky break up if they were there for jesus. so many years ago because that is the president right that was. a little later than the usual public notice in the interview the ones after us with the more help people sometimes about the study of all of the stuff the lies just the lies the the little cleared up say oh i'm just not right guys when you look at
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the bottles in your book one is of the same color and he is in those little ones the clothes it is the soul obviously none the less he like a little of the woman it'll go on and so you. know by the might of the new life in the village in the family. exactly what happened i don't know but i killed. piers later is when i got arrested . for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results you get innocent people to confess to the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the
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psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. piece. i wonder if we still if you don't buy. the trailer i thought as to those lengths. to put all of this i don't believe by any means that bush. cut out of the same cloth as his father who was totally powerful. in fact he may not be fully in charge.
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of the middle east peace process this afternoon but news is proud of this tremendous chance to produce the peaceful dr for the best for. what you can watch it is just pinch me netanyahu struggle really does hold. the peace process with. the us the bible. start to go as a teacher of the palestinians let's listen. listen to him said love as you can see . with the ninety six bones this will be you recognize israel and think before you . speak or language the. whole program says documentaries in arabic in school here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the yard p.
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interviews intriguing story for you. in troy t. arabic to find out more visit arabic don't call tito to call. him a book i'm going to put. up the sort of that is i don't want here oh well if you want it was about all you want yes a little bit about the money what have you got your my books from that you just want to show them that you mr what you could have got was a cubicle you could you get them what you paid off yes you did you know i don't know about what he's being let us go do you got a job that will be you know i don't want you to know because let me show you when you flood to look up when you start over but you know when you get all good will
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you did you was those who goes with those movies who quit because the nobody you hopeful three hundred troops. crew. knows you're good to milan you're. not. going to yet again showed up with a fellow who was at the film no one to tell him you know this voice because well we want that but i don't hear from them yet. but we've got you didn't want you to do but they had been given. it's a good thing right but yes because when you took one q what are you going to do about that never give up what you want to go to the body doing good or because you love you know cool really will pick up a little like. she was a are you sure you're. not your typical. like you are doing great on. your. own like you are
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all right. but sometimes the sheer volume yes. yes sir that doesn't sound like that i was. actually i knew that i was the one. that got to say to me or for you to carry on that i think that that really will never come up for. the mothership of the coming year the thing that i think that you would really like you've done by senior booed you just would be a you're going to get something weird if you have to get through that without it being that simple that it was such that they were like music where they don't stop insulting us when we stop calling the separatists and terrorists we get up each morning and we're called separatists that's how we started greeting each other hello i'm a terrorist hello i'm
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a separatist. movement at the point believe that we're no different from those people well except we don't speak ukrainian that's the only difference between us so why is it they hate their own people so much where does all this bitterness and hatred come from what have we done to them to hate us so much you know if we really such a pain in the neck so hooked on subsidies why don't they just leave us alone all want is the right to determine our own few. they give us a referendum and we'll solve the problems also they're afraid of a referendum afraid of their own people but why the people have the right to vote will form the land and work in the mines just leave us alone please please just let us be we're peace loving people. yeah i'm from a death. wish you could ask the people how it's come to this actually the reason why i don't want to show my face is because to my mind we live in a democratic country which has no freedom of speech there are all walks of
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kidnappings in ukraine it's not at all uncommon for people whose opinions are different you should be stopped in the streets in peace and. oh and even if she. didn't even you she didn't matter you need. to do to. use you want. to win the league was no no no no no no. no yeah it was just. she was alive. i mean. if you. set up such as she set up.
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which would have been you can see it just like just the fact is it's the national assembly the motion got the parts do you think most people in a dress a supporter opposed. to most of the work and if i think about eighty percent of the residents are against the euro my done their remaining twenty are probably misled or just don't live here permanently almost all the locals are against them i don't . they rallied to my down to make him a covert go and he did it why are they there now then what do they want to do with not really personally i'd say they want the plague of nationalism to spread all over ukraine nobody in the southeast all the rest of ukraine needs any of this kind of nationalism going on. was. was. there. but it was. we want the europe that the
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crusaders fought for the europe the european nationalists fought for the europe of white people. muslims humiliate the natives now they take away our lands. we will stand for europe the white europe. the traditional europe. for the free nation europe right that's clear it's a nation was what do you think about the situation in the country is it good or bad it's awful first they drove a wedge between us in our russian brothers. yang. as for me i'm neither going to travel to russia nor to anywhere else i want to live in
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a desert i want everything to be fine. i want us to be friends with russia the west is not for us you know this union what's happening in our country it's a nightmare how do survive in prisons my salary is ninety two dollars per month we can get by gas prices are now about to spike by seventy three percent received the prices for menses at the ready bid were. by sixty percent it's terrible really terrible. it's and wishing we've been waiting for the geneva agreements we got them and we're very grateful to russia for them because we understand well that the so-called interim government as well as the right. party and some other nazi groups never meant to fulfill the obligations i'm not going to comply i'm simply can't. they have different intentions to cut and kill with the slogan muscovites on trees . you know. what they're. going to hurt that.
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you know what. was. in them because it's a. sometimes i feel like we've all been used they took a four hundred coughs and put us in leg irons instead they're now setting us up against the southeast if ukraine the same way the settlers against the cook police crimea and then russia you i wonder who's interested in it and why i wouldn't want to be persecuted any person who is against the developments in ukraine may be accused of separatism and really go to jail that's why i want to stay anonymous for . the ukrainian parliament adopted a law or under which those guilty of acts of separatism and terrorism can be thrown into prison for ten to fifteen years or even for life we know fall into this
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category i'm not saying that it's you but your european colleagues some european authorities approved of crimean parliament adopted the law they did it so it appears that you i mean those european bodies agree that terrorists. look like a terrorist no i'm facing a life sentence according to the current legislation and polite and communique normally i represent the interests of the people you have to understand that not everybody can or is willing to put their own life at stake in order to save people . oh. thank you. thank you thank you so much it was so with the shut. off. all those.
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who own. the ohio that. was i was. told. was if. you.
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want to. thank you. thank you thank you thank. you thank you thank you. thank you. my. thanks to our. little snow. about hockey only i won't speak on behalf of ukraine each person must speak up and say what he wants what he desires but while the authorities are afraid of the referendum why are they afraid that if you yes they are. you but if they are not because then they must let us say what we have to say and we will but we are not separatists we are not radicals i live in hock of m sixty one i want to
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understand where i live what country i live in the russian ukraine belarus need to unite machinelike russia down russia isn't here russia supports us morally but not physically americans are supporting they going to face likely. there are troops there are a lot of documents media material spread and materials proving that nobody is interested me. but let me just look how many people come to the rallies and everybody is there from students to pensioners even veterans coming ukrainian t.v. spreading lies there saying that russians are being brought in is even possible to bring so many russians look thousands of people come for rallies in eastern ukraine
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have they brought half of the russian population here they call us extremists we always ask for permission to hold peaceful rallies but they refuse us you know but it seems that the heroes of my done i will out to seize buildings to rob banks to kill people but we're not allowed to hold peaceful rallies you can see that we are unarmed we're not wearing masks we have only one who want to hold a referendum we want to be heard but you can't force twenty million people into europe and nato against their will.
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same series of school basis tried to claim the people are going to make news for your life or destroy the teaching every minute. of the time a no no law no well. my own life but. most of us think this setting all time. most cases to most elite moments. sometimes for nothing. is so mean and simple. it's not just a story can still be just if you see a stage eight look to be. but he was still a. little
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. exactly what happened that day i don't know but a woman got killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. sound boring to the book because the last years of the roman republic it was an
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article of faith to the romans that they were the most morally upright people hence the romans concerned to refute all charges of bullying and to insist that they had won their empire surely in self-defense. this sounds familiar stacie. crucial data are trusted a cloud service. that ensures protecting your privacy. could be arranged to randomly get stolen. or become a target of the n.s.a. . what if unclouded sky is right above.
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ukrainian troops reportedly gear up to storm of administrative building held by anti kiev protesters in the eastern city of mariupol self defense squads clashed with the military in another city constantine off. ukrainian on rest spirals out of control in the southern city of odessa where dozens are killed in an inferno after pro kiev activists fire bomb government protesters in a barak aided building. moscow blames kiev for condoning the crimes conducted by radicals in odessa leader warns that the protesters in the east are now unlikely to disarm. burning questions many in the mainstream media are reluctant to say who started the deadly fire in a desk even though pictures such as these clearly show how much of
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a role the radicals played in the events. three am this sunday morning in moscow i mean o'neill thanks for joining us you're watching r.t. international we start in south east ukraine where the fence have been unfolding at a very steady pace ukrainian troops up allegedly moved into the city of mariupol on have surrounded on administrative building held by anti-government protesters now we're receiving other reports of shots being fired and fighting in the streets meanwhile in another city constantino fighting is going on between self-defense squads on the military for control of a local t.v. tower artie's paul the slayer is in the region for us. increasingly great developments happening here in the south eastern ukraine in the city of mario paul
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we now understand that the army is actually inside the city center they have surrounded the local administration building way you currently have a few hundred and of protesters those protesters are telling us that they were inside that the army is warning that if they do not leave the building and they will be fired and the building will be seized the people we've been talking to on the ground say that there are about three to five hundred and cheeky of protesters that they're armed you know. i'm in the center of the sitting there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting we're hoping they won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure anymore armed vehicles started entering the city then the fire erupted mercenaries or the ukrainian national guard opened fire in a minute people's heads there's no fatalities so far but i can't say anything about
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the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city. there hasn't as of yet been any reports of injuries but so maybe showdown for violence is happening inside that city now the protesters have set up barricades they burning tires in front of that building so very dramatic developments coming out of mario poll in a separate developments in the town of constant or not we do understand that a military operation has begun there there is firing as i say shots are being heard we're assuming reports right now that the t.v. building has been seized by the ukrainian army and that all transmissions are currently off air in another development in the city of donetsk earlier on saturday of a we had anti kill of protesters seizing the central security building now no more developments since then but demands. also a hot spot where we're constantly receiving information that there are is going to
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be a showdown and a clash between both sides none of this is a surprise kids did say that it was planning to start operations across the region but it is also threatening that once these operations are over it will move to other regions and as you can well imagine people here are terrified most people in the town where i am sorry and start choosing to remain indoors earlier i caught up with a family who spoke to me from behind their barricaded front door. the city center is in lockdown the streets are empty people are afraid to leave their homes. came here to kill us vladimir so give each and his wife have lived in slavyansk all their lives until recently it was a small sleepy provincial town but friday morning that changed forever. north around four thirty in the morning there was the sound of short crowns and explosions i woke up immediately it was very scary. with this new york
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all of them together with their mercenaries together with the right sector instructed by our interim president interim prime minister the all our war criminals residents of slovyansk have been ordered to remain indoors bloody mirren and i have no intention of stepping out there glued to their television sit where it's being reported that the right sector is in the city center during the bubble of the tried to enter the city disguised the students there were renting apartments but eventually they all are being called there is a panic shops will run out of food amid rumors the army is stopping supplies from getting in the a.t.m.'s are cash strapped and pharmacies are short of medicine or go along with the we could call the there is no possibility to go somewhere if something happens because a cd is closed i'm afraid that looting will start or there will be fred so my family we have no police now to ask for help even in my worst dream i couldn't imagine a situation like this but the nightmare is about to get worse as rumors circulate
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that the army is gearing up for another onslaught the streets might be empty but many fear this is the calm before the storm policy r.t. slovyansk eastern ukraine where we talk to a local man from the city of constant in need of a cure is what he told us about the events there. there was information there were going to be attacked and we were preparing for the assault a subversive group of right sector arrived we clashed with them and we surrounded them on all four sides of the t.v. tower they called for reinforcements in armored vehicles they fired at civilians from these vehicles there are casualties on both sides at the but i'm not sure how many and there is information there will be another attack and dawn. the city of pramod taurus cusp become another focal point of kiev's military offensive against protesters in the dinette screeching.
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the latest reports say the army has managed to get control of most of the city with anti kiev forces keeping hold of just one central square at least two people have to confront reality in the fighting grip philips is in the area. so here in the center of commerce horse we can hear a long go off around me and behind me we've got a scene of devastation as we go on to buses here load not we've got a vacuum also blown up there burnt out smoldering shells at the moment in the center of this main street of the city of some two hundred thousand fifteen kilometers from serbia and so this happened a few hours ago with members of the crimean national guard or the national guard is a military outfit comprising many members of the private sector this of course the far right neo nazi group linked with many terrorist acts across ukraine so the national guard reportedly came into the city several hours ago they were firing they were detonating there were explosions going off in coming towards the administrative building was taken here three weeks ago by these pro told me pro
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wrestler and activist the other day the s.b.u. building as we reported for r.t. was taken that's just out there but we also have here the ukrainian army and members now report to the national guard based out of the airfield some three kilometers outside the city was reportedly happened today that they've come in to the tank to try to reclaim these administrative buildings these buildings in the hands of these proton the activists and they have come in fifty two from tools to talk more about the situation here. so many people were killed today i personally carried out one of the dead and one of the wounded he was hit with an armor piercing bullet in the leg also i saw a young girl killed and another man has lost his arm and we do have things now of destruction and in fact if we come around to look down here we can see the following there are two further. spans here. incompetent was is the scenes of destruction indicate escalation in this situation in eastern ukraine as it seems to spill into crisis this is great for that too with anti. they operation
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in the so i face this being described as throwing ukraine into a recital conflict that's a direct quote from russia's foreign minister who has appealed to his u.s. counterpart for washington to use its influence over kiev as it sets its troops against fellow ukrainians during a phone conversation circle of rauf also suggests that europe's c.e. security organization could help foster the dialogue needed between the opposing sides earlier antigovernment activists in sloviansk revealed at the release seven zero s c e foreign military observers who were detained last week another group by the kiev authorities was held when protesters suspected there were spies among them the head of the organization find all parties involved in negotiating the release. of. ukraine's black sea port city of odessa is mourning the dozens of people killed in violent street clashes on friday they normally come city turned into
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a burning battlefield when a group supporting the leadership in kiev squared off against the government activists we have to warn you that you may find some of the following pictures the stirring radicals on local football fans forced many of the activists to hide inside the tree and unions building before they threw molotov cocktails in through the windows doesn't suffocated or burned alive those who tried to escape through the windows were brutally assaulted your couple of harboring icons from survivors of the massacre. then yeah they said entrances to the building on fire and started throwing molotov cocktail smoke bomb and stun grenades through the windows they burned people alive shouting glory to ukraine people were suffocating inside some of those people were so desperate they just jumped out of the windows and. chanting glory to ukraine and finish no of those people who leapt from the building i personally saw how one man tried to escape and about
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a hundred people started chasing him shouting death death eventually the team threw him on the ground and started beating him to death. there were about fifty of us on the roof men and women the right sector was blocking the streets we looked down at what was happening around us and saw we wouldn't let us out alive people from other floors were brought down and the extremists attacked them like a pack of wolves then the police the schools with us from the building we had to step over dead bodies mover coming down the stairs. several people were also killed in don tun odessa before the trade unions building was set on fire first it was hundreds of people from both sides fighting each other then the radicals a partly from right sector destroyed the tent city which had been set up by activists artie's grief a national takes us through the events. the gretsch of all great square in central adepts so this is where fraud is bob and clashes that led to dozens of deaths
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erupted between those who support the country's new voters they would take it. and those who did not recognize this people in kiev as the different power of the country they were coming makes way and this is why they matter activists from both toys have started to throw stones and molotov cocktails to each other it lasted almost two hours and all the police arrived to the scene up to four people were killed and several cars were burned but that was just the beginning. the most dramatic events happened here in a desolate trade unions house in the city center blocks away from the weak square where the clashes began ringing the first at the supporters of the interim government in here joined by aggressive football fans and members of some of ukraine's far right groups moved here where for weeks and actually months already those who did not recognize the poll which is in kiev have been pope. testing the crowd first destroy that titan has been established here away from the building up
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to that set the building itself at the top when several activists have been hiding in fear over gresh and against them i witness to say that the activist the radical activist very case and preventing people from leaving the building at the same time throwing multiple through the we don't you can see some of the windows are broken and the fire occurred people started suffocating panic more than thirty people were killed as a result some of them very into others while trying to jump out of the windows trying to save their lawyers local residents have been gathering here in front of this basically where since morning bringing flowers and candles to commemorate died on friday of the week and we felt they say on friday when policemen were so you needed they were not here the three day mourning has been hours behind us so they moved and it was a matter now no one can say sure what is going to happen and where to go to.
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refinish now oxy from a death in southern ukraine. now there's a protest occurring in front of interior ministry building right now a couple of hundred people are demanding the release of the activists who were arrested following last night's fire the trade unions building ministry officials have promised to let everyone go but the protesters plan on staying in front of the building all night long they say. a few eyewitnesses we spoke with since the clashes broke are told this stuff a soul police doing very little to stop the arm radicals on the streets some analysts believe that's because the far right groups are getting the green light from the west something which may lead to civil war. they call the phone from people who are actually just want federalization of ukraine on the other hand they're encouraging the extremists from the right sector who are taking up arms
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probably being armed and advised by the west right now. they're giving them the green light so it makes sense from the western viewpoint it's not at all fair it's not balanced and it's actually a criminal sort of meddling in the internal affairs of a country there instigating civil war right now even if the cease fire was somehow reached in the next couple of days. there is no trust within the country anymore it would take quite a while for that sort of trust between the two did so on the twenty fifth the may to have a real elections it would be a joke numerous videos from odessa are showing exactly what occurred on friday but the picture still is not clear for some of the mean stream media for instance some news outlets say they still don't know how the deadly fire up the trade unions building started artie's guy nature can takes aleck. in u.s. and european media we've seen some very carefully worded commentary on the tragedy
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that happened you know this it carefully as to avoid assigning blame to those who have actually set the building on fire and torched all these people inside watching their material you may get a says that the building just caught fire just like that and some activists happen to be inside and the anti kiev protest camp that had been set up in front of the building happened to have been destroyed and it all just happened clashes between the pro ukrainian camp and the pro russian camp killed at least four people at the onset than a fire breaking out in a building there unclear exactly what may have caused it meanwhile going here in the city where i am in. this is the first real violence we have seen here and it has been a peaceful floor at some stage yesterday and it's still unclear exactly how this started but the rival russian and ukrainian putin here it led to fierce clashes which culminated in
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a huge fire here and it building last night the violence is escalating in ukraine police would normally calm odessa say a clash between pro russians and government supporters led to a fire that killed at least thirty one people always despite the fact that there's footage which clearly shows procreative activists throwing molotov cocktails into the burning building with people trapped inside you have white sector activists who admit having done that and yet it seems always see is an attempt to whitewash their actions so you have many carefully worded headlines again as if the fire just happened in new york times goes forty six people have died many of the dead were pro russian militants who had retreated into a trade union building that was then set on fire the words pro russian militants are supposed to create an impression that those were not just people and demonstrators who were trapped inside a burning building but they were militants so the wording almost justified. is' the act of killing the guardian quotes
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a member of the extreme nationalist group right sector saying the aim is to completely clear odessa they're all paid russian separatists this dismissive attitude that everyone in ukraine will pose as the government in kiev is just controlled by bosco is in line with what we hear from washington and european and european officials who have firmly side with themselves with the authorities in kiev friend seem to be prepared to justify and defend whatever action t. of takes against the protesters coming up a little later in the hour britain's health service is running a financial fever we hear that warning to the government about how the cuts could be putting lives at risk. i wonder if we still if you don't buy these are trained on our side as well as led . by democrats because i don't believe by any means that.
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it is kind of the same clause this is there who is totally powerful engine trouble we are in fact you may not be fully in charge. dramas the truth be ignored. stories others refuse to know. exist change the world right. to picture. from around the globe. don't.
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coming up to twenty minutes into the hour welcome back britain's national health service could find itself on the cashflow critical list a soon is next year a leading health care think tank says the government urgently needs to inject extra cash but instead leaders are committed to cuts in order to save some twenty billion pines by twenty fifteen one former party medic told r.t. sora firth how that strategy is putting lives at risk. sounding the alarm. a week goes by tears story about the impacts government cuts having on the n.h.s. now it's paramedics who are speaking out the recent death of william gold the seventy five year old man he died after waiting two hours for an ambulance has to an examination of the current precious facing ambulance stop after the coroner in
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the case called the death a sad consequence of cut. on condition of anonymity former employees spoke exclusively to r.t. about his own experiences in the ambulance service i fell off outside for patients that were going to me you're doing a great job after picking their. husband or wife up the big lie on the floor having a stroke for an hour i just think i'm not letting you down so hence. why i need to speak up why i need to speak i think it's just to do with government funding cuts bosses in the un and so he's having to. more and more with less money and less funding. we're told about some of the tough conditions now facing on dealing staff that are left trying to pick up the slack some are working ten eleven twelve hours without a meal break and i'm not sure why they're not for their own health as much as they
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are for the patients and in the end. if you know if you're not giving people staff . the right breaks to get there are a high risk of making critical errors there are a risk of. his wife or a three and a half tons they're driving these around. they're more risk of making a drawing or a clinic where the government has said they want the n.h.s. to make up to twenty billion pounds worth of a fish and sea savings by twenty fifteen it's a me being slammed full by campaign is saying they're putting lives at risk. aversion. to clive today the kalitta at the national health action party any political group that wants to pick the future of the n.h.s. right to the heart of the political agenda ahead of the general elections but i think for health care austerity cuts across the board so right from public health down much more local services for example ambulance services we're seeing increased
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. and we've seen patients waiting longer and longer to get an urgent call and you know the media is now filling up with stories where patients become acutely sick not getting seen in time and actually you know really sadly some people are dying it's absolutely outrageous unless this is what happens when you start cutting back public services. put the concerns raised to the department of health in a statement they said the ambulance service is performing well arriving on scene in under eight minutes in more than seventy five percent of the most life threatening cases but we know the service is getting busier so since twenty ten the n.h.s. has recruited sixty percent more paramedics to help longer term n.h.s. england is carrying out a review to look at the demands on services and how the n.h.s. should respond but they use on the front line convinced this is the problem i have quite the same to be going to sticks. quite. interesting things quite
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a lot i think if you were on the service. and know how to question them they come unstuck because you actually know can i stay quiet any more i can stay quietly more because i care for the patient that patient i treat my own family member and it could be me. the ambulance service struggles on and with morale across the health service reportedly at an all time low many are now warning that if the cuts continue britain will have to wave goodbye not just too inefficient time violent service but to the n.h.s. as we know it so the reporting from london. i'm for some more world news in brief. at least three people have been killed after twin explosions hit the coastal city of mombasa in kenya according to officials in the first attack a grenade was thrown into a. bus stop the second blast happened next to
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a hotel group has admitted to the attack but government forces frequently clash with islamist rebels or run the country. at least six people have been killed by a blast in the capital of somalia a senior city official on his bodyguards were among the victims in the attack the islamist militant group al-shabaab has admitted to carrying out the assault the group continues to launch strikes on somalia despite government forces have been at odds of most parts of the country. a court in cairo has sentenced one hundred two supporters of the ice that president morsi to ten years in prison they were convicted of rioting following last july's military coup on monday death sentences one hundred to six hundred eighty three people over the lynching of a police officer during a wave of protests last year despite the ongoing instability egypt is still planning to go ahead with the presidential election meter this mom. and at least
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fifteen people have reportedly died several have been injured in a fire at a factory in india the blaze allegedly started in a minute plant where workers make fireworks the coals all of the fire is still not yet known. coming up after a short break moxon stacie will be here to discuss china's rise to become the leader in global finance this is r.t. international thanks for watching. jeffrey chapman from kansas is going on trial for murder but he is very afraid of jury prejudice is it because the jury is full of racists or has some sort of vested
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interest in seeing him get locked away no it is because he is a giant tattoo on his neck of the word murder written backwards wiser and backwards so he could read it in the mirror. nowadays we live in a total culture of almost complete entitlement so naturally chapman wants to leave jail on a special trip to a tattoo parlor to get the ugly ink changed or removed yeah because he did something stupid to his appearance now it is the obligation of the government to help him fix the problem he created often on these opinion pieces i am very critical of the government but this time the man is totally right you can't just take everyone on special trips across town so they can look good for their trial it isn't the state's fault that he has the word murder on his neck the prosecutors even said that chapman that it would be ok if he covered it up with something like a stylish curve for dapper turtleneck sweater it is not the job of the government to help you get rid of your very stupid and very incriminating debt too but that's just my opinion.
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zachary what happened that day i don't know but if i killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. me. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess the police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could get what they wanted they can say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said.
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welcome to because the report imax guys are now according to the book rebecca the last years of the roman republic it was an article of faith to the romans that they were the most morally upright people hence the romans concerned to refute all charges of bullying and to insist that they had won their empire purely in self-defense. this sounds familiar stacey max we are looking upon and empire across the world right now called the united states empire however it was one purely for humanitarian reasons it was there all these one hundred ninety bases around the world are just to help the people so we're going to look at first
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a series of three headlines just from the past three weeks relating to chuck hagel the secretary of defense during southeast asia trip chuck hagel stresses humanitarian aid coordination so they talked about in particular for example the u.s. marines they brought rice to the filipinos after a recent major typhoon and this is why that asia pivot they're sending two thirds of the u.s. naval fleet over to southeast asia for humanitarian reasons well i mean this is fast that ng to watch because as we point out the end analogy to the collapse of the roman empire is apt and now we have the collapse of the american empire and you see people like chuck hagel scrambling around the world to convince everybody that they're there for humanitarian reasons and everyone knows that has access to a t.v. or internet that that's nonsense that hagel is just trying to. wage a massive propaganda effort to get his subjects' in these countries that america
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dominates ruthlessly to believe and to accept their occupation and they're not having any of it it seems as you quoted in the beginning that the romans were forced to deny that they were bullying so it seems that there were some alternative media at the time who said oh you romans are just bullying they were probably accused of being anti roman and the romans themselves were saying we were just we got this empire self-defense here's another headline from their own backyard in america hey goal guatemalan leaders visit troops humanitarian projects on his first visit to guatemala as u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel visited a small town that is the most recent site of humanitarian projects that u.s. and guatemalan troops work side by side to complete again here's you know the u.s. budget officially for the pentagon is six hundred billion dollars a year if you add in the n.s.a. and the cia and the f.b.i.
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and the da and all these various intelligence agencies it's closer to a trillion a year chuck hagel works with vicious dictators and i'm sure very soon we'll see images of chalk with a little kid on his knee bounce ago like those famous photos of saddam hussein or other dictators throughout history i think hitler and there's a photo of hitler also they have a nice bouncing kid on their knee creating them a lollipop this is how we do it in the in the humane beautiful. fields of purple mountains of america and it just gets more. propagandistic lee. unacceptable so a trillion dollars per year for humanitarian missions they claim around the world a lot of people end up dead those are just you know it hurts the empire i'm sure more than it hurts the people who were killed and then here so finally another headline same two weeks. these are the last three weeks of two weeks of headlines
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chuck hagel giving a look at atlas darpa's humanitarian robot u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel got a firsthand look at a life sized robot that resembles hollywood's terminator the latest experiment by the pentagon's high tech researchers but unlike the movie version the whole king atlas was designed not as a warrior but as a humanitarian machine that would rescue victims in the rubble of a natural disaster official said so with their robots with their actions around the world it might look like the terminator those weaponry and those ships and those drones and everything that goes with it might look scary but they're all human terror. yeah what's the phrase that the beatings will continue until morrell improves so there's chuck to go with his drones as robots is financial oppression really bringing that humanitarian cause like they did so successfully in libya iraq
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afghanistan vietnam or even detroit for that matter these people are kleptomaniacs and should be trusted as far as you can throw them or if you get a chance throw up on them make sure that he goes in the right in the stream of a maybe a projectile vomit to let people know how they feel about him really so i want to look at the front page of the financial times which has a shocking headline here china to overtake u.s. economy this year you know you've got your follow up here because this humanitarian chuck hegel road show of terror which he calls the humanitarian is like charles manson on an international road show of terror and abuse so here he is talking about the new charles manson and he's like ok this is what it's all tied to that china is now officially their worst fears they were clinton's worst fear william kristol bloody william kristol the neo con psyche. path from washington this is his
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worst fear this is the project for a new american century this is their worst fear that china is overtaking the u. s. they've been talking about it for twenty years their solution was to bomb the. debate jesus out of everybody to try to wait a minute wait a minute don't don't progress we want to be the number one is that they screwed up . yes well you bring up a policy for a new american century and if you go back and look at just google anybody go out there it's donald rumsfeld dick cheney jeb bush who was supposed to be president not george bush that was accidental so here we had a group of guys who were very well connected and then did run the government that bombed iraq what they were saying in their own policies was that we need to stop china from rising however it's happened sooner than everybody expected as you can see from the chart you can see this is china is the red line of course america is the blue line and china is passing it that's real g.d.p. at purchasing power parity and this comes from the world bank the u.s.
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is on the brink of losing the status as the world's largest economy and is likely to slip behind china later this year sooner than anticipated the us has been the global leader since overtaking the u.k. in eighteen seventy two most economists previously thought china would pull ahead and twenty nineteen so they base this rather than on exchange rates but on purchasing power parity so to see what the real purchasing power is of the economy and the participants in that local economy right well the u.s. strategy to deal with all this has been horribly misguided and the way that the u.s. would have stayed number one is if they could have resisted this idea from corporations to balkanize the internet to shut down the internet to make a controlled by hollywood to turn it into h.b.o. home box office pay per view if they are allowed the internet to be net net neutrality to exist and freedom then you would have had a boom
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a lot of innovation and wealth creation distributed to the hamlet's and villages throughout the united states and around the world bringing that message of technological innovation that made the u.s. you know the previous empire holder in the u.s. but they instead they kept out to the lobbyist from hollywood the motion picture association of america the internet spend especially shut down to protect the hollywood industry and as a result now china. is leap frogging past the u.s. so that the strategy of bombing nations was the wrong strategy it didn't work those people are tired radical fools the strategy of an open internet would have worked as many have argued but they didn't choose that path and now they're going to go down this slippery slope into a second class world status and home i'm well speaking of hollywood actually in the last week they're getting ready for cam the cannes film festival is about to start they were very vocal and they're now saying hello us stop this this upcoming war
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with russia because russia has a bigger film market than ukraine ukraine we get zero dollars russia we get many dollars we want to do deals all of our russians are pulling out of our deals down in cannes the other thing that we saw is bondholders fitch said that bond holders are telling the u.s. government back off dude because we're going to get hit whacked severely if you actually touch any company in russia that is actually means anything so just go for the small fry like you do in the rest of the world you know attack libya attack you know little nations but just leave the big stuff alone russia is a huge consumer market like elegant play out on the show is this biggest consumer country really and europe if you want to look at those terms but this is a war between the defense industry that loves to send drones down to blow people up needlessly versus the bond market and the copyright industry represented by hollywood interests so hollywood in the bond market is saying wait
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a minute this this incursion into russia i mean let's put it the way it should be stated i mean the u.s. is invading russia as i say they're saying that russia does not have the right for self-determination so they're entering their way into russia through ukraine i mean that's what's going on here the u.s. wants to grab russia china iran they don't want these three countries to have a central bank they don't want them to have self-determination they want them to have an economy outside of the hollywood cartel and outside of their total fiasco and see nightmarish control and then they're saying. what the frick man we don't want to be part of that nonsense so that now we've got this standoff you speak of control and the article in the financial times does bring that up the findings will intensify arguments about control over global international organizations such as the world bank and i.m.f. which are out of line with the balance of global economic power so of course those organizations where sustained and built and created in order to sustain us power now that's slipping away people are saying hey where's our due event by the way i
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noticed while i was holding this up if you look at the top of the page americans abroad why tax rules are for encouraging basically expatriation americans are fleeing because they don't want to finance all those humanitarian missions that kasich guilty in dollars a year for those humanitarian missions again these are roman empire analogy you've got a country that is spending way too much on protecting far flung borders that they can't they don't have any interest in protecting at this point is purely to feed the defense industry and those folks in washington you know the richest zip codes in america are in washington where they've got the defense industry those contractors the mercenaries that they send out that's where all the money is in those people unfortunately are throwing the country under the bus so they can continue to rent ca seek and scalp and gorge their way their money on sending drones into these countries killing kids for a few bucks that's what obama administration remembered for drones for death for pentagon bonuses that's what is ministration will be remembered for right what
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we've got to go stacy. see you later max. states and for the second half a whole lot more. legs. if you leave the economic up and downs in the final months day belong to the old sang night and the rest of the life during the case you will be a briefly on a leg. length
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to go to the tried to. play polo to. form your life for the joy of the teaching everybody. plays the i'm a no no law no weapon. my overlap why would. the existence of the molten lead squeezes most elite moments to play sometimes from nothing which lead to so we still do look just you but still we can still be jobst if you see a stage eight look to be dealt with but the jungle was selling. lemonade and that's one of the things that had me so
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excited about bitcoin is that it's a complete technologically beyond the control politician. and all in all it's can be a wonderful wonderful thing it's going to lift so many people out of poverty all over the world and if the politicians try and stop that that's on them that's then committing evil trying to prevent people from improving their situation in the world. economic pressure. for. office now i. want but if the public sometimes.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to defeat a mob author of the crisis of civilization and he's a columnist at the guardian newspaper welcome back to the kaiser report i guess i'm going to get all right let's talk about everyone's favorite villain so he blair is smokescreen to defend blood for oil speak. well yeah i mean i think. a lot of us were quite shocked i think when tony blair did his speech on essentially what he what his vision was for the middle east once again you know those one point where he said his first major reason to stay involved in the middle east yes he said was all western economies are still heavily dependent on oil this is not going to change anytime soon he said so we're going to have to do something about that but i said if i got a complaint hundred eighty degree reversal from the lead up to the war in iraq where of course it was sacrilege to suggest that it was blood for oil that the u.k.
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was bringing freedom and democracy to these oppressed people and now he's talking about nothing but oil well i mean what's interesting is that he talks a lot about his he talks a lot about democracy and we need to basically defend freedom and stop the extremists from destroying us but it was his first reason is first reason was oil his second reason was i think our relationship with israel with reason was. to do with yes to do with defending freedom and things like that and i called him what the fourth reason was we're all very interconnected and it was what was interesting was the way he then followed through with that in terms of ok so we defend freedom by maintaining good relationships with the go for it seems we still pursuing reforms which is like the saudis and qataris that's not deny we were from happening . he was like we have to really support the new regime and see. see which is. you
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know thousands of people in the streets unprecedented even worse than anything that mubarak has done is one of the biggest massacres in the history of egypt and he's basically saying you know that and it just condemned seven hundred muslim brotherhood sophists to death sentence you know in these kind of phony trials where everyone knows there's no due process you know muslim brotherhood is not like those and say it's the wonderful organization but in the day it did win the elections. and there was always there mention that blair has made millions. on this exploitation of these people that he had a hand in killing absolutely there's a genocide and iraq million people slaughtered by the lancet had an estimate. upwards to a million people massacred tony blair of the dodgy dossier the false pretense to go to iraq the mass slaughter of iraqis and he's made millions of pounds i want to ask
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you about something talk about tony blair versus john kerry because john kerry secretary of state he's finding it very frustrating because every time he opens his mouth the global media and the social media and this show points out that he sounds like a throwback from the old cold war days or he's behind what we call the c.n.n. curtain that he lives in an echo chamber a bubble he really said and he expresses his frustration he talks about r.t. sort of hillary clinton talks about r.t. this network about how they can't seem to get their message through because everyone's watching our take but tony blair he's part of that codger a of war profiteers that is trying to milk their slaughter to put it one way or the i just have no shame the psychologically impaired how does he deal with the fact that everyone sees him now as a rampant opportunistic ghoul will who. knows i mean i think what's interesting about blair in the way he's received by. so-called mainstream media is that and was
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is what i found quite shocking really as well is that despite his track record there are things very well documented now to the point that it's almost common knowledge. he speech was given very very good publicity overall i mean miles according to a handful of other articles in the kind of slightly more liberal lefty media. criticized him or called him to account but the overwhelming response of the news media was hey look at this great speech we should actually take you seriously he's raising some important issues and interesting as you said no one asked a simple question this is the man that has explicitly repeatedly denied that oil has anything to do with our role in the middle east and is even found in a year ago when he was on newsnight and now is openly saying quite clearly that she is very central to our reasons for being in the middle east so i think there's no coincidence that you know he's been he was he's an advisor at j.p. morgan j.p. morgan's clients god investigation showed up she that has many of you j.p.
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morgan's clients benefited from blais operations in palestine where he was effectively lobbying for oil and gas interests ok i mentioned that mainstream media gave him somewhat positive review but this this is the behind what i call the c.n.n. curtain where those who are benefiting from this will listen to that and it'll validate their actions but the other that's majority of the globe now realizes that if you see tony blair answer your neighborhood you know what's the express frezza about the buddha i don't want to say it on that either so it would be cut but i would say look it up i want to see the buddha on the road just substitute if you see tony blair on the road you know what i'm getting at ok now what is this phrase that you have in a recent piece capitalisms unspoken holocaust. what is it i mean i mention this
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actually in the piece about sony play which is you know he kind of a he kind of gives forth this this in this idea of this global economy which of capitalism which has brought so much brilliance freedom and profound profits for you know be stricken down everybody and everyone's happy and then of course there's the evil extremists you know on the other side to out to stop this and of course most of us who've done any bit of reading any aware of history know that since nine hundred forty five and so today we've had over seventy plus military interventions and that has been what has expanded captors and happen and it didn't expand to just automatic economic process of just people with us and to these markets everything going to be happy it was done forcibly by forcibly transforming markets to ensure that the right kinds of conditions with their capital penetration to take place and that was how companies and expanded across the former colonies if you like and created a huge amount of bloodshed in the figures that i have from very very good academic
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sources are looking at up to about thirteen to fourteen million people died directly as a consequence of these wars and interventions and that's one estimate by guy j. w. smith american economist and he also says countless hundreds of millions from the in direct consequence is the structural consequences in terms of destroying people's economies livelihoods that kind of thing early on a talk about this word holocaust because that is they it's a very powerful word that conjures up enormous emotional reaction but. the fact is that the holocaust people remember from the last century was in fact geared toward business interests in other words the the economy of germany as relates to the holocaust at that time there was it was a profit center and cap. elizabeth had turned into a machine that use human beings essentially as the raw material to
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generate the cash to get that war machine going it's so there was an economic justification for it and. so now you're suggesting here with your phrase capitalisms unspoken holocaust is that once again rattus days in capitalisms cycle the lifespan where the destruction the wholesale genocide and whole cost of human beings is at the root of powering the economic growth that we see in the u.s. and in the u.k. is that a fair statement i think it is fair i mean i think it would be naive to basically somehow trying to separate out the dockside of cops as i'm in the sense from the so-called light side of capitalism and there's no doubt yes you know we've had certain logical developments we've had modern medicine we've had all sorts of great things but it's all come a cost and that's why you have people like blair you see is their job to go out and
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do p.r. for this machine in order to convince people that no you should be scared we need to have fear mongering in order to basically can t. keep this machine going to continue to justify that. sort of military intervention in order to keep control of different distant markets to. deal with instabilities the arising or even develop insurgencies with states to all integrating into the into the into the global system limits limits on other contentious word out there apartheid because john kerry secretary of state recently said what's going on between israel palestine is an apartheid state and also the comment was made that you can talk about peace process all you want but as long as israel keeps building settlements they're building settlements at a breakneck speed that that is completely anathema to any concept of any peace process and of course blair is part of the quartet that is there to bring peace so . the question is is he lying through his teeth and that he's not there to bring
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peace at all he's using his position as a former prime minister to rape these poor people financially to gain personal anger and dies meant to build one of his seven huge palatial homes around the world and is he just there basically a marauding kind of conquering psychopath who just uses his winnings from the iraq war genocide to further his financial gains again well you know one can only judge and i got a job the guardian by the way back i'm turning out these phrases like like they're coming that like a lot of matches right for that paper anyway you know i think you've nailed it i mean i think if you judge a person by their actions you can't really do much more than that would you but he done just now you just describe precisely what he's actually doing. look at that you know he has basically been profiteering on the basis of his involvement in israel palestine you know he hasn't done that people have us there was actually a paper in the jerusalem post what is blair doing in the middle east you know he
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doesn't seem to be very involved very much in the diplomatic negotiations he's improved in all of this other stuff you know making money doing deals yabsley doing deals and he's made a huge amount of money from this and this that's that's also what was shocking about this really is that more than anyone in the public eye he's not only been at the forefront of juda legitimizing in pushing forward these kind of wards he's actually there for former profiteering from the personally i want to continue and the fees because we didn't get a chance to talk about a couple things at the moment the u.s. centric eastern europe and is engaged in an asia pivot diverting the u.s. naval capacity toward china are these humanitarian in nature is chuck hagel claims or does this have to be something more with capitalism what's going on you know what i mean i think to answer that question you might want to have a look for example to a strategic planning documents to see what. what all u.s. interests in eastern europe from
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a military perspective from an economic despite what are the issues that they think the most prominent and you know from those documents i've not seen the words humanitarian used ones this is a new saying really goes if it's a kind of a kind of create some kind of the smokescreen in what they do talk about very simple geopolitical issues which show the same issues that have always. heavily dominated the way states think about these kind of things and into the u.s. it's very much to do with energy geopolitics sidelining russia's influence over energy corridos but also sidelining russia as a general reason to influence. and ensuring that all of many of these eastern european countries operate on the basis of free markets open up their economies to. foreign investors hopefully european and american and british investors so this is very much the kinds of things and again of course you know the euphemism of this
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is about freedom and humanitarianism where humanitarianism really here. to be is the same thing as freedom in the sense of free markets right now phasing out a kind of there thanks again for being on the guys report thank you and that's going to do it for this edition of kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i'd like to thank our guests i'm odd if you like to get in touch tweet us at kaiser report until next time. we'll. technology innovation and all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. ah. it wasn't at all we will stand for europe the white europe
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the traditional europe for the free nations europe but. we should be arresting all those terrorists instead all of the presidential candidates the military junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views are different. we have to live in peace with brothers we shouldn't fight each other one people. will bring this. i want to feel if you don't buy. a trailer. but. i don't believe by any means.
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cut out of the same cloth. father who was totally powerful in control. in fact you may not be fully in charge. right. first for you and i would think that your. recorders put. on.
8:00 pm
ukrainian troops reportedly enter the eastern city of mariupol with fighting in the streets. with the military in another city constant. ukrainian unrest spiral out of control in the southern city of odessa where dozens are killed in an inferno after pro firebomb government protesters in a bar of it building. for condoning the crimes conducted by radicals and. leader warns that the protesters in the east are now on likely to the song. and burning questions many in the mainstream media are reluctant to say who started the deadly fire in a desk even though pictures such as these clearly show how much of a role the radicals played in the offense.


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